Congress Fails to Act to Stop Loan Limit Decline But Could Reinstate Higher Levels

Despite an industry-wide legislative and grassroots push to stave off a reduction in the size of federally approved home loan guarantees, Congress failed to act, leaving millions of potential home buyers with the prospect of facing higher mortgage interest rates and downpayment costs and other less favorable loan terms.
As of Oct. 1, the conforming loan limits in high-cost areas for Fannie MaeFreddie Mac and the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) reverted to the lower levels established under the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008.
“With the housing market struggling to regain its footing, a drop in mortgage loan limits could not come at a worse time,” said NAHB Chairman Bob Nielsen.

“This will depress home values, increase foreclosures, impede job growth and jeopardize the tenuous economic recovery,” he said. “That is why NAHB will continue to lead the charge to reinstate the expiring loan limits.”
As a result of the failure by Congress to address this issue, the national ceiling for mortgages securitized by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac or insured by the FHA has dropped from $729,750 to $625,500 and the formula for establishing area loan limits is now more restrictive, producing decreases for areas in addition to those currently bound by the national ceiling. 

Loan limits are based on a percentage of median area home prices.

As the result of reverting to 2008 loan limits, millions of homes will be more difficult to finance when they are sold, according to a recent NAHB study.

While only a minority of counties in the nation have been affected, these areas represent large concentrations of homes and population.

The counties affected by the changes in the FHA limits contain nearly 60% of all owner-occupied homes; those affected by the Fannie-Freddie changes contain nearly 30% of all owner-occupied homes.

Bipartisan legislation to increase the amount of federal home loan guarantees to their pre-Oct. 1 levels is still pending in both chambers of Congress, and NAHB will continue to work with leaders in both parties to enact it.

“With credit conditions extremely tight for home builders and home buyers, reducing the loan limits only exacerbates the current situation and will prevent many creditworthy buyers from being able to purchase a home,” said Nielsen. “Congress must act quickly to rectify this situation.”

Articles published with permission from NAHB.
For more information, email Scott Meyer at NAHB, or call him at 800-368-5242 x8144.

30 Years of Excellence

It's that time of year again! The weather is beginning to cool off and the leaves are beginning to change. What does this all mean for the Asheville Home Builders Association? October is Parade of Homes month! With 15 homes in the tour this year ranging from $279,000 up to 1.35 million, you will see all the latest in home building trends.

Celebrating Our 30th Anniversary of the Parade this year, we are proud of our Builders, Sub-Contractors, and Suppliers for the homes they have built. All of the homes in the tour will be open October 8-9 and 15-16 from 12 pm to 5 pm. Located in the surrounding Asheville area, we encourage you to visit these beautiful homes and see why Asheville is such a wonderful place to call home.

Are you interested in a guide of the Parade of Homes? The Full Color, glossy Parade of Homes Guide can be found free of cost at over 30 locations around the Asheville area. For a full list of distribution points, click here. This year there is also an option for you to voice your option on which home you liked the best. The 'Viewers Choice' survey will be made available on Saturday, October 8 on the Asheville HBA site.

A special thanks to the Parade of Homes Committee, AHBA Staff, and the Builders for making the Parade of Homes something to be proud of!

Thank you for supporting the Parade of Homes!