Education made simple

My goodness! The Asheville Home Builders Meeting room has been full! 

The past several months have included multiple opportunities for AHBA Members to participate in great education courses. With a little something for everyone, Associates and members alike came out to the Home Builders office for free education that pertained to their businesses.

Though we all have to do it at some point or another, networking is usually an uncomfortable situation. Executive Officer Caroline Sutton taught the course titled "Taking the Strange out of Meeting Strangers" which focused on helping to remain confident in networking settings. From introducing yourself to giving your 'elevator pitch', all those in attendance left feeling more sure of themselves.

With tons of new building codes put into affect as of March 1st, over 30 builders came to here the "2012 Residential Energy and Building Codes updates" course in March. Robert Privott of the NC Home Builders Association gave his time to help save Asheville and Hendersonville builders the headache of trying to sort through the new codes. This event was sponsored by Gold Level Foundation Club member 1-800-WaterDamage.

Many of the same builders came out the the first quarter Builder Breakfast on March 14. Every quarter, the AHBA hosts a Builders only Breakfast which provides a topic that would be of interest along with a light breakfast. This session discussed 'Retaining Walls: Rules & Regulations" where representatives from both the Buncombe County and Asheville City Building Planners offices came to answer the many questions about where their projects with retaining walls fit into the building plans and how they were permitted. This Quarters Builders Breakfast was sponsored by Platinum Level Foundation Club member Brand Vaughan Lumber.

Were you unable to attend these education sessions? No worries! All education courses that are hosted by the Asheville HBA are posted on our website as well as our social media. 

Not a member of the AHBA? Several Education classes will be presented at the 3rd Annual Home & Garden Expo located at the WNC Ag Center's Davis Arena. For more information on the Expo Click Here!